General Description: A perennial grey-green tussock grass with slender leaves, to 1.2 m tall, with a narrow, branched, chaffy flower head, to 35 cm long.
Flowers and Fruit: Spikelets with 3-6 flowers and pendant red anthers from November to January.
Site Preference and Tolerances: Drought and frost tolerant, prefers full sun and dry to moist soils. Prefers well drained soils but can tolerate a period of wetness. Tolerates poorer soils which are low in nutrients.
Life Span: This is a perennial grass and persists well in the Australian environment.
Wildlife Value: Good habitat for small animals.
Other Values and Uses: A very attractive grass especially in flower, forming large clumps. Tolerates Phytophthora cinnamomi fungus. Useful for erosion control on hillsides, plains and drier sites.
Other Scientific Names: Chionochloa pallida, Danthonia pallida, Danthonia robusta, Notodanthonia pallida, Rytidosperma pallidum
Other Common Names: Red-anther Wallaby-grass, White-topped Wallaby-grass
Germination Information: Usually grows well in a few weeks without any treatment.